How does global warming effect humans


There’s few major effect that is consider dangerous, while there are other effect that may be concerned problem. Well first of all, when the atmosphere around earth start to absorb for sunlight, the temperature inside earth atmosphere become warmer. So place like artic, that have a lot of ice and snow, will start to melt. But white surface of ice reflect sunlight in order to cool down the earth, and without that, earth temperature will increase quicker. Not only that, but if ice melt, ocean level is going to go up. If scientist is right, it may rise about 70 meter by 2050, sinking most of the city and town by coast line, or 4.3 million acres of land.


The definition of drought is a time where there’s rain shortage, and lacking water. The water usually evaporate at high temperature. However, with global warming heating up the air, water evaporate more quickly, result in drought. Since 1850, the average temperature of Earth had risen 2° F.


About ,1,000,100 species of animals is in risk of extinction, or threatned. So estimated total of 50,000,000,000,000 animals(Not counting insect, that’ll be twice more) has been negatively effected by global warming + human, or 60% animals have been wipe out by human since 1970.


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